Design and construction monitoring of Stormwater Remedial Works to avert flooding. Design of new stormwater system consisting of rectagrid covered concrete channels, berms, open channels an dissipating structures
Project Management, site monitoring, preparation of certificate, supervision of turnkey work
Shuezandal Bus Route. Design of Bus route, horizontal, vertical alignment and pavement design. Design for stormwater drainage
Project Management, site monitoring, preparation of certificate, supervision of turnkey work on concrete works related large diameter water supply lines
Kamundulu Water supply. Design of rising main to storage, water reticulation and associated valve chambers
Project Management, site monitoring, preparation of certificate, supervision of turnkey work on water supply lines up to 1000mm diameter water pipelines
Roads Rehabilitation. Visual condition assessment, design of rehabilitation measures and site monitoring
Design of new factory reinforced concrete, structural steel structures, Repair to Factory buildings
Design of Water, sewer, Bulk Earthworks to Parking Lot at Prasa Kempton Park Station.
Structural steel design for boilers and rigging equipment